
Interview: Estonian installation artist Raul Keller experiments with the AGO Film Processor

Installation artist Raul Keller tested the AGO processor in the classroom of EKA (Estonian Academy of Arts) and was primarily expecting an interesting and new experience. “Since I’ve done a lot of black and white work and I’m hoping for good results here, I’m particularly interested in the color film process,” Keller expressed his expectations for the upcoming experiment with the AGO processor. “So far, I’ve developed black and white film in home conditions, in an old-school style. I inherited this culture from my father, who was an inspired amateur photographer and who mixed all the necessary chemistry himself – measured, filtered, and later also toned the photos,” he explained, adding: “This is also largely why I enjoy shooting on film. I like working with my hands, it feels more ‘real’ to me, and also because the image medium is a physical material.”

What were the results of the experiments, and what did Raul Keller think of the entire process? “The experience was entirely positive. As I expected, the development of the black and white film was as anticipated. Everything worked, the process was fast and convenient,” Raul Keller shared his initial emotions. He added: “Even the development of color film was a positive experience, especially since I don’t work with color film on a daily basis. The results were good, the films were properly developed, and with a bit of tweaking and color correction, the results were as expected. In addition, the entire process was extremely convenient and clean. My hands didn’t come into contact with the chemicals, I didn’t have to be constantly surrounded by chemical fumes, and nothing leaked.”

What could the future hold for AGO? Although the AGO processor is already highly innovative and undoubtedly unique, what more could this product offer? “In my opinion, it would be great if we could modify different stages of the process ourselves. I use a pre-soak for developing black and white film that is not currently included in the AGO black and white film development process. This could be a positive development,” suggested Raul Keller. Raul also hopes that in the future, E-6 film could be developed with AGO. AGO’s CEO and developer, Arno Peever, is confident that these suggested additions could be implemented into the processor in the near future.


Raul Keller in web:

Website: https://raul.keller.ee/index.php/en/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/straussleeches/

Written by Margus Metsaäär

2 thoughts on “Interview: Estonian installation artist Raul Keller experiments with the AGO Film Processor”

  1. Pingback: New Rotary Processing Solution – AGO Film Processor – IndieGoGo Launch – 3 October 2023 – Studio C-41

  2. Jeroen van Weert

    Brilliant review, thanks for that!
    I do agree that being able to modify recipes or adding steps would be a nice addition, so I hope that the pledge for this project will exceed the required 130.000 euro’s in order to get that option.
    As far as pre-soaking is concerned, since that step itself is not time critical, you can start with that before actually starting the processor.

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